Category Archives: Collaborative Communities

The push to teach discipline!

A recent report also found the “disciplinary climate” in schools in Australia was among the least favourable in the OECD according to student reports. This is based on a 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) index, which asked students how … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Communities, Deakin Teachers in training, Instruction, Leadership, politics, Reading, Teaching, trainee teachers | Leave a comment

time for great teaching – a report on how

  I’ve recently read the Gratton Report “Making time for great teaching“. In the executive summary is says: Government regulations restrict schools. Enterprise bargaining agreements restrict changes to work schedules, and duty of care requirements restrain schools that want to … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Collaborative Communities, Data Wise Program, Feedback, Instruction, Monash University, Observation | 1 Comment

Dysfunctional Teams

Thanks to Greg Carroll, a principal in NZ, I found this clip on dysfunctional teams which seems to make some sense. We often hear about how to build teams and make productive meetings well this clips comes from the other … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Communities, Leadership, school structures, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Instructional Rounds restarts in 2012 in the Beachside Network

Earlier this month the Beachside Network of Schools Instructional Rounds group had its first ‘Round”. Thanks to the generous support of the teachers from Black Rock PS a group of principal class educators gathered to discuss instruction with a focus … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Communities, Instructional Rounds, Leadership | Leave a comment

Building Classroom Learning Communities

  One of last week’s walk-through foci was on classroom learning communities. These are some of the images I captured on the walk-through. At the start of each school year we as a staff and teachers in all classrooms expect to build … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Communities, Community, Instruction, school, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Three improvement strategies to make a difference to relationships and learning.

Over the past 2 months we have focused on preparing our teachers to differentiate instruction. I’m writing this post to explain to readers within my own community why this emphasis on preparation and why we need to adopt three different … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Assessment, coaching, Collaborative Communities, differentiation, Instruction, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

How far have we come as teachers in using technology to engage learners?

Have a quick flick through this presentation as we in Australia shut down for the summer school holiday period. I’m reminded of a now famous quote “Yes we can” when I see this. I remember as far back as the … Continue reading

Posted in Assessment, Collaborative Communities, Instruction, Reading, school, Teaching, Technology, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Walkthroughs | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Teenagers in primary school – challenges on engagement and connectedness.

I have just finished sending in my last assignment for this semester [Masters Course] and with some relief I am now able to get some of my life back and amongest other things write a bit more on my blog. … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Communities, Family, parenting, school, Uncategorized, Video Clips | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Open Culture Site

I was recently directed to this open culture site which has free videos and other media that are accessible to all. They have listed the top 10 sites that have free media material for education. I looked at the Australian Screen … Continue reading

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The Age of Learning

This is a useful clip for those teachers or administrators wanting to start or continue a conversation about learning and what it might look like in classrooms and why – has a technical focus but still worth a look.

Posted in Collaborative Communities, Leadership, school, Technology, Video Clips | Leave a comment

Twitter – what for?

Thanks to Chris Betcher, a teacher I found this clip on twitter which is one of the more popular social networking tools out now. PURPOSE. PURPOSE. PURPOSE is everything. Without a purpose lets not rush into this – I’m still … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Communities, school, Teaching, Technology, Video Clips | 1 Comment

Interactive Whiteboard Sites

Tonight I stumbled upon Bill Gaskins blog which lists some tremendous sites for teachers who have interactive whiteboards. I really like the edheadsites as well as the national geographic sites – they are well worth a visit – thanks Bill Sites … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Communities, Teaching, Uncategorized, Video Clips | Tagged | 9 Comments

Breaking down silos to make sense of networks.

As a principal of a school we all know about the benefits of breaking down the walls of classrooms or silos so that the teachers can learn from each other and question each other so that we build the collective professional … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Communities, Leadership, Networks of Schools, school, Uncategorized | Tagged , | Leave a comment


Last week I found a site that might interest teachers of older students. Its an online dictionary that has videos uploaded from people trying to explain the word. It’s interactive and  encourages people to leave comments. It uses youtube so … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Communities, parenting, school, Uncategorized | Tagged | 1 Comment

World Mapper

Thanks to Liz Davis I discovered maps of the world of different data sets. This make instant and visual data that students can interpretate. A really valuable resource.

Posted in Collaborative Communities, Creativity, Leadership, school | Leave a comment