Category Archives: politics

The push to teach discipline!

A recent report also found the “disciplinary climate” in schools in Australia was among the least favourable in the OECD according to student reports. This is based on a 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) index, which asked students how … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Communities, Deakin Teachers in training, Instruction, Leadership, politics, Reading, Teaching, trainee teachers | Leave a comment

Parents want more than jobs out of education for their children.

The Australian Newspaper features an article by Chris Mitchell “Parents want education system to prep kids for jobs, not political activism”. In the article he makes a number of claims and offers solutions which I think need a response. Mitchell’s … Continue reading

Posted in parenting, politics, school, Teaching, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Songs can hold our memories!

Certain songs or voices can bring many memories flooding back to us. It’s 1970 and the happy and even melancholic memories flood back to me when I hear Simon and Garfunkel sing their classics. Its been over 45 years since … Continue reading

Posted in Community, history, politics, Video Clips | Leave a comment

Politics aside we need some truths to accept the challenges we face as a nation. That’s the election message we are sending!

Well its election time here in Australia and we may have a tie. I don’t normally stray into politics but the situation calls for some commentary. For my overseas readers we have 3 levels of government (Federal, States and local … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Leadership, politics, Teaching, Uncategorized | 5 Comments

What about measuring learning found through cultural travel experiences to counterbalance missed schooling and lower national test scores?

At the recent ACER conference in Adelaide Stephen Zubrick presented a paper on school attendance and the effects on academic performance. The Sunday Age in Melbourne picked up the story with a headline “No safe level of missing school, study … Continue reading

Posted in Family, politics, school, Travel | 1 Comment

Knowing our core work

Recently I heard Major General Jim Molan, a retired Army officer who served in the Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan wars talk about leadership. He opened with the observation that the army and schools have something in common – they both … Continue reading

Posted in politics, school, Teaching, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

National Tests for students next month [NAPLAN] – so what?

Next month all year 3, 5 7, and 9 students in Australia embark on a series of National Tests over a 3 day period in reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation and number. Teachers have been encouraged to better prepare … Continue reading

Posted in Assessment, politics, school, Uncategorized, Video Clips | Leave a comment

Teach to the test – what’s next?

Well, as reported in the Age Newspaper, it didn’t take long for some directive to teachers to teach to the Naplan test. We all know you get some short term gain for 1 year and as the article points out … Continue reading

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League tables

Over the past week newspapers all over Australia have featured articles and editorials on the Federal Governments new tax payer funded website “My School” which will allow parents [and others] to see how their schools rates against the national average … Continue reading

Posted in Industrial Issues, politics, Reading, school | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

National Standards – do they improve teaching and learning?

Thanks to Greg Carroll I came across this video where John Hattie makes a case around issues like accommodation, retention [repeating classes] or dumbing down learning surrounding National Standards. National Standards are due to be introduced in Australia next year. He concludes … Continue reading

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TIMMS test results spark controversy

This past fortnight I have talked about my schools performance on national tests to school council [NAPLAN] and now I’ve seen lots of editorials and responses in newspapers about Australia’s performance in the recent international tests in maths and science for years … Continue reading

Posted in Accountability, Assessment, politics, school, science, Teaching, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Generation WE – the movement coming to you!

Generation WE: The Movement Begins… from Generation We on Vimeo. I saw this video tonight and thought it made some powerful statements about how the political landscape will change in America and what concerns will need real solutions from policy … Continue reading

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