“School can be like a vacuum cleaner sucking the knowledge out of kids.”

I am working on one of the DEECD principal focus groups for building an instructional model for teachers in Victoria. During the first workshop we listened to this video clip from Richard Elmore talking about some of the challenges.  Richard makes a point that many students loose the knowledge and capacity they once had in 5th grade and that the lack of intellectual challenge is one of the reasons. For me when he talked about the resistance to change in teacher practice being so deep that we need to replace instructional skills and strategies not simply alter them a light blub flicked on. When the teachers discussed the clip I had a feeling there was a sense of needing to do something different in our thinking about curriculum and instruction. We have an inquiry framework for looking at deeper levels of understanding but perhaps the challenge is getting the students to do the work during the lesson rather than us do the talking. It’s not all gloom but its a real challenge.

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What lense do you use when looking at children’s writing?


I looked at this 6 year olds work on thinking and thought of this quote a team leader used at the annual parent information night:

“We let children paint their faces, swing around poles, blow bubbles, build cubby houses, go down the street in their ballet dress or superhero suit and we accept them as children. So when we look at children’s writing we must accept them as children and their writing as children’s writing”

Shelley Harwaynne (from the teacher’s college writing project in New York)

Not all writing is for publication and we must focus on the purpose and the message.

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What drives your classroom coaching program?


Last year I caught up with Barrie Bennett in Toronto and had the chance to talk through his framework for classroom improvement. It was one of those light bulb moments when it became clear for me what the missing focus was in both walkthroughs and in the schools coaching programme.

We needed to strengthen our teachers’ instructional capacity [strategies and skills]. At our leadership meetings we now talk about the skills and strategies we as “experts” are encouraged to model for our experienced and novice teachers. I am focused on my walkthroughs to spot or ask about the instructional skills or strategy the teacher is using during the lesson.

It’s the dialogue and reflection about trying match the best strategy for the purpose of the lesson that increases capacity.   

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Leaders talking teaching and learning!

At this week’s leadership meeting I set the context for our reading of John Hattie’s article on building teacher quality. The article lists a number of key strategies [e.g. feedback] that have the greatest effect size on student learning. It concludes: “expert teachers do differ from experienced teachers …. most critically in the depth of processing that their students attain. Students who are taught by expert teachers exhibit an understanding of the concept targeted in instruction that is more integrated, coherent and at a higher level of abstraction”

As you can imagine this prompted some discussion by those gathered around the table that are largely responsible for improving the instruction capacity of teachers in their teams. Our initial discussions related to our own learning journeys. The team leaders began to highlight some key influences over the past few years and with some sense of relief for me as principal our coaches: Anne Hammond and Kath Murdoch rated highly. Both Anne and Kath have similar key messages – have a clear transparent purpose and focus for the lesson / sequence of lessons and make sure students understand it, provide feedback to students on the focus [teachers often crowd feedback] and make sure that the purpose is connected to their lives in real ways.One of our key improvement areas is in student writing and the leaders began to list some instructional strategies at the surface level they had learnt from the coaches:  – when teaching students to proofread for spelling get them to start from the bottom of the page and work up  – and when giving senior students feedback on writing [if its spelling focus] write sp in the column and get them to do the work, find the error and work out its correction – its about student ownership and work – remembering that if the writing purpose is not bound for publication then don’t over correct – a small focus and specific feedback on a few items rather than a page of red marks.     They made a commitment to share more of these strategies with the wider staff by writing TIPS from ANNE or KATH notes on our SharePoint. According to Hattie those present were showing the following characteristic of experts:  – expert teachers are more adept at developing and testing … instructional strategies and they were showing more emotionality about the success and failures in their work.  

A meeting well worth the time! 

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Raise the Bar and Close the Gap


At last weeks principal network meeting we briefly talked about this notion of raising the bar on student achievement. Michael Fullan defines moral purpose for schools in terms of raising the bar and closing the achievement gap.

The conversation was started from a report of a neighbouring network conducting principal walkthroughs in each others schools in order to deepen their understandings about quality teaching. Quality teaching is as we know responsible for 30% of the variable in student achievement [Hattie 2002].

Our network received it’s aggregiated student achievement data for 2006 which at first glance looked very promising. Why then go to all the trouble of principal walkthroughs  if the student results were already so promising? This got me to then ponder were the results of standardised tests, which were used to set minimum standards the only measure of raising the bar?

Could raising the bar actually mean deepening a students understanding of say scientific concepts and their application or interconnectedness to other aspects of learning: e.g. environmental sustainability – water tanks for use on plants or economic sustainability when looking at stockmarkets and various share portfolios? Could raising the bar mean when students study Asian Studies they have a responsibility to make links with students in Asian countries and gain first hand responses?

I also questioned why some government schools have chosen to seek accrediation as an International Baccalaureate School – raising the bar? We have set aside time at the next network meeting to reconsider this notion of what it looks like to raise the bar in our schools

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Principals turn to booze to cope

Today a report is being released on principal workload. The report based on a national survey of 1,100 principals shows that while most love their job many are finding that “endless paperwork, dealing with abuse or grievances from angry parents, and the lack of administrative support in schools, were taking their toll.” 

Unfortunately responses that point to schools making staffing decisions whilst true are also short sighted and often just stir up principals. Most principal’s tend to use staffing resources to lower class sizes or appoint a special needs teacher. The public pressures make this a win lose situation.

Currently I am working hard to change teachers and parent perceptions on the value of instructional leadership as opposed to a management model. Instructional leadership builds teacher capacity and increases dialogue about teaching and learning. When teacher learning spirals upwards student learning is sure to follow. This model needs leaders, as the lead learner, where the action occurs in classrooms.

In order to spend up to two days in classrooms principals need time – time created with new office systems and administrative support. I have spent some 3 months changing some of the office systems, my office layout [shift filing cabinets out]  and in the future additional administrative support in the form of a personal assistant to organise my 3 days in administration. The trick is not to wait too long to get into classrooms as the perfect scenario never arrives.   

Yes the workload is never ending and sometimes we have to say NO – to teachers, parents and children and go home and spend some time with our support team – the family. My current strategy is get involved with my kids sporting teams [coaching, team manger, car transport] which forces me out of the office.

Last year I remember several conversations with principal colleagues in Toronto who spend time in one another’s school supporting instructional leadership. This builds a deeper understanding of one another’s pressures and challenges. You are not alone is perhaps the greatest support for dealing with pressures. The principal’s in Toronto are selected quite differently and as a consequence, I believe don’t quite have the silo mentality we do. However that’s perhaps another post.

As for the title of the article quoted in my heading – I’m trying to drink a litre of water a day with the bottle on my desk or by my side – so that I can enjoy that big glass of red at night.  


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Student Leadership

I was talking to the senior students at school this week and used this clip to start the discussion about leadership changing the world We often start in our own backyard so to speak in small ways and the students said by being kind to someone, or putting away sports equipment without being asked . I wanted to aim a little higher and suggested that leadership was about changing the world we live in day by day, through our conversations and actions with peers and friends. Its not about getting elected or nominated to a position as these are simply other opportunities for leadership.

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Classroom Rules

I found this clip may just in a fun way create a converstaion with students about classrooms rules.

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Multiplication by lines

John Connell and Stephen Heppell are on fire this week with this interesting mathematical problem. I can see it works but I’m still trying to see how.

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Tests are everywhere but this can only be in America!

Thanks to John Connell from Cisco I came across this article on the testing business in America. Businesses make huge profits from selling tests to school districts or states as a result of the NCLB legislation and as it now appears even more money from the pre test materials. But boy oh boy can they get it wrong and the consequences well – as John said just read page 4 of the article if nothing else.

Watch out teachers and lets become the watchdogs for political policies that have high stakes testing as accountability .

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A hoe is that what you want? or Why teach Speaking and Listening skills.

This week I was casually listening to a teacher explain something of a technical nature to colleague and it reminded me of the need to be careful in our use of language in schools particularly when trying to explain a new skill or concept to someone else. We often skip speaking and listening skills when instructing students in English. Sometimes the results can be funny as in this clip and sometimes it can be quite devastating for the student – loss of face and self esteem or anger or simply frustration. This small video may help when making this point to a group of teachers. My thanks to Jim Buchan from Cisco for the clip.
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2006 PISA results from an Australian Perspective


ACER has just published a national report on the PISA results from an Australian perspective. Schools from all sectors and states are selected to complete the tests. Overall the results are very good in scientific, reading and mathematics literacy and compare well internationally.  However overall the results are not improving and there is a decline at the upper end of the literacy scales.

For me a significant point made in the summary was that the achievement differences are much larger within schools than they are between schools. This points the way forward – for school leaders to work with teachers to improve the instructional capacities between classrooms – to deprivatise teaching from the small boxes called classrooms – to increase the dialogue about teaching and learning in schools – to make explict the types of feedback all students need to improve and to challenge all student with both routine surface level tasks as well as the deeper connections they need to make learning relevant and engaging now.  

I found the Pisa in brief report the easiest to read and link is in the resource list. 

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head teachers


I was looking at a colleagues blog from the UK recently and saw this cartoon attached to an entry about why head teachers were paid more than teachers. http://libertonheadsblog.blogspot.com/

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We only think when we are confronted with problems.

John Dewey

The title of the article comes from a quote by John Dewey [1859 – 1952] an American philosopher who is widely renowned as a leader in the progressive educational reforms of the 20th century.

At this week’s leadership meeting, the first for 2008  we spent some time talking about instructional leadership and what that means for principals and team leaders. In my opinion the research evidence that instructional leadership has a greater impact on student learning than other styles of leadership [eg transformational] is now very compelling. The problems confronting us as leaders today included what strategies or innovations do we focus on and do they promote teacher conversations and reflections about teaching and learning that will make a difference with student learning.

As a starter to the conversation we looked at Professor John Hattie’s work on the effect sizes of various strategies on student learning. John spoke at the ASCD conference in Sydney last year as well as internationally in Hungary and is currently at the University of Auckland in New Zealand. His presentation can be downloaded from my resource list. John has a definite view from his research, which uses a very substantial data base of students in mainly OECD countries on what strategies or innovations have a larger and more positive impact on student learning. His presentation challenged us to list in effect size order some innovations and strategies. There were some surprises here eg class size with an effect size of 0.2 as compared to teacher feedback and teacher – student relatonships at 0.72. His research on students repeating a year was confronting at -0.15. John in his presentation makes the point that class sizes is a working conditions issue and that by itself does not directly improve student learning.  

John also made the point that we need to set challenging goals for students and then provide specific feedback to students in terms of positive aspects of achievement and what needed next. However this is sometimes more easier said than done in an overcrowded curriculum where teachers are trying to teach multiple outcomes at the same time.

Anne Hamond, an educational coach we use to support teachers in the teaching of English [student writing focus] makes the point continually that we need to make explicit goals [one or two] for each lesson for the initial whole class instruction period or teaching group and provide feedback on those goals to students. That’s achievable!

Team leaders therefore have the responsbility when planning in teams to make these teaching points explict in the planning documentation and follow up conversations around student work at their next meeting. This is part of the work of instructional leaders. Our aim is to increase the percentage of time teachers spend talking and reflecting on teaching and learning from what some researchers have plotted at between 3-10% of their time per month to 50 – 70%. Then we can say we have a learning culture. 

We are also trailling the use of reflective journals for all teachers. Our intention is to make time during meetings for the purposeful act of writing reflections about teaching and learning at EPS. More on this later in the term. When thinking about reflections I’m reminded of a quote by Margaret J. Wheatley 

“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.”

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England extends school leaving age to 18.

I have just watched on teachertv the Queen announce a bill being introduced that will extend the compulsory age of schooling to 18 over the next few years. The move is receiving mixed reactions accrding to the report. Given that Australia often follows trends in countries like England this is one move most teachers and parents will be following.  

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