I was recently sent this Happy Anniversary note from Word Press for 5 years of blogging and I was kind of chuffed. You forget this sort of stuff – thanks to my readers is what I need to be saying.
Over the 5 years I’ve had about 24,000 hits from people in 147 countries all around the world. This represents an average of 13 hits every day over those 5 years.
In reflecting back on that time my posts that receiving the most hits were on cyber bullying (5,300), reading comprehension (3,300) and instructional rounds (2,500). The conference presentations page (1,100) was next.
Besides the various search engines (Google / Yahoo) my school’s webpage has referred over 1,000 people to my site and what I’d like to hope is that most of those were parents or teachers.
Thanks to everyone for your support.

Happy Anniversary!
You registered on WordPress.com 5 years ago!
Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging!
Mark, well done on the milestone. Enjoy reading the blog – think it is a great example for other principals and school leaders.
Thanks Greg,
Likewise on your blog as I enjoy reading some of your current thoughts particularly on South Africa. I’m reading John Hattie’s current visible learning book for teachers with the mantra “know thy impact” which I feel also relates to leadership across all levels. For me when I speak to students in classrooms I feel in many cases both humbled and in awe of the work of classroom teachers as they take up the challenges that I may have contributed to. Thanks for the comment Mark