Category Archives: Reading

Wondering if all teachers in training and graduate teachers are being taught to instruct all students in reading as though they were in the red?

I have this wondering that we are teaching all students in the class – as a whole class lesson – in the junior years as though they all needed the intensive phonic instruction and frequent repetition. Yes some explicit instruction … Continue reading

Posted in Deakin Teachers in training, Deakin University, Reading, trainee teachers | Leave a comment

The push to teach discipline!

A recent report also found the “disciplinary climate” in schools in Australia was among the least favourable in the OECD according to student reports. This is based on a 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) index, which asked students how … Continue reading

Posted in Collaborative Communities, Deakin Teachers in training, Instruction, Leadership, politics, Reading, Teaching, trainee teachers | Leave a comment

Jez – the old chestnut – ability grouping or streaming – is still being touted as a solution to falling standards!

Sorry Natasha, education editor for the Australian Newspaper, wrote a recent article on the state of education in Australia using the results of the recent PISA tests to say that our students are bored out of their brains at school, … Continue reading

Posted in Assessment, Data Wise Program, Harvard, Instruction, Reading, Teaching, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

What I consider a balanced article to the issues around learning to read and reading to learn.

Why we’re failing to build the knowledge students need Age Newspaper 15/12/2023. In the early years of school, teaching should focus on systematic instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics, exposure to rich literature through read-alouds, and explicit teaching to build … Continue reading

Posted in Deakin Teachers in training, Deakin University, Harvard, Instruction, Reading, school, Teaching, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Reading Instruction, Yes it’s still a debate!

Today, I’ve stumbled upon two “texts”, one a discussion podcast and one an article around the Science of Reading. As one who has taught and led the teaching of reading for many years in and around schools I find the … Continue reading

Posted in professional learning, Reading, Teaching | Leave a comment

Reading Debates Continue: But what happens in classrooms?

It’s a long article on reading instruction but I think one worth some time and subsequent reflection. It purports that cognitive scientists again and again have proven that students need phonics to become “good” readers. It then goes on to … Continue reading

Posted in Instruction, Reading, reflections, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Inferencing in the early years

This week I’m writing about inferencing. It’s nearly 5 months into the Australian academic year for our Foundation to Year 2 students and teachers have built Reading Workshops where students build sufficient reading stamina for guided groups to run, where learning … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Teaching, trainee teachers, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Meaningful Reading Comprehension – students doing the work!

This is a year 2 boy’s attempt to infer the meaning of words in a non fiction book of his choosing. Both the teacher and I thought this a really good artefact to show his reading comprehension development. The first … Continue reading

Posted in Instruction, Reading, Teaching | 1 Comment

What might Benjamin Franklin have to say to our young students?

  At Monday’s school assembly I used Benjamin Franklin’s story to talk about the importance of effort and persistence as we strive for personal excellence. “energy and persistence conquer all things” Benjamin Franklin I talked about his childhood days in … Continue reading

Posted in history, Leadership, Reading, school, Teaching, Video Clips | 1 Comment

Keeping earlier improvements alive – a constant juggling act for school leaders.

Have you ever wondered how you keep earlier improvement work on the slow boil whilst undertaking more recent deeper work? I know this is a constant challenge for school leaders particularly as new teachers who often unfamiliar with the earlier … Continue reading

Posted in Feedback, Leadership, Reading, Teaching | 1 Comment

When more is not good – lesson intentions can make a difference

At year level leadership meetings we often read and discuss shared articles or writing from noted educators. Last week we discussed chapter two of Shirley Clarke’s book on feedback titled  “Learning Intentions”. One of her opening lines is “It is … Continue reading

Posted in Instruction, Reading, Teaching, Uncategorized | Tagged | 2 Comments

An advocate for reciprocal teaching – or hearing student voice in your classroom.

When I first listened to this address by 12 yo Adora I was rather skeptical and amazed. Her use of language is amazing but her message is simply. We need to hear student voice in curriculum development – so if … Continue reading

Posted in curriculum, Instruction, Reading, Uncategorized, Video Clips | Tagged | 2 Comments

Reading comprehension scaffolded for older students.

At our regular team leaders meeting where we gain an overview of curriculum planning across the school we discussed what readers workshops look like for older primary aged students. Our problem of practice started out about identifying what students are … Continue reading

Posted in curriculum, Instruction, Reading, Teaching, Uncategorized, Video Clips | Leave a comment

League tables

Over the past week newspapers all over Australia have featured articles and editorials on the Federal Governments new tax payer funded website “My School” which will allow parents [and others] to see how their schools rates against the national average … Continue reading

Posted in Industrial Issues, politics, Reading, school | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How far have we come as teachers in using technology to engage learners?

Have a quick flick through this presentation as we in Australia shut down for the summer school holiday period. I’m reminded of a now famous quote “Yes we can” when I see this. I remember as far back as the … Continue reading

Posted in Assessment, Collaborative Communities, Instruction, Reading, school, Teaching, Technology, Uncategorized, Video Clips, Walkthroughs | Tagged , | 1 Comment