The 2012 WordPress Annual Report on my blog has prompted me to acknowledge and thank all my readers over the year. In 2012 there were 14,000 views of my blog. People from over 105 countries visited the site with the bulk from either Australia, USA or the United Kingdom.
The most viewed post topics were on cyber bullying, reading or writing strategies and leadership. There were 58 posts made over the year with the bulk in the first 6 months. In the second semester I found myself writing longer pieces on my work in embedding Data Wise, an Inquiry Approach into improving instruction in classes. I’m playing with the thought of publishing these longer pieces as ebooks.
These longer pieces would have artefacts I have collected along the way and some reflections on what I might do differently where I in a different setting. This is in a way one of my goals for 2013. If you have any tips on publishing ebooks I would appreciate a quick comment
Anyway thanks again readers your support is appreciated.