This is the last post in the series by the 4 teachers overseas inquiring into the data wise process.
As our trip draws to a close, we spent time reflecting upon and synthesising our learning both from the Data Wise Institute, and what we saw of the process within the schools we visited. The results from a ‘Compare and Contrast’ protocol, highlighted where we could celebrate Elsternwick’s journey thus far, and indicated our future work.
Some of the noteworthy take aways from this reflective process included:
- The importance of Steps 1 and 2, (Planning for Collaboration & Building Data Literacy), and the need to revisit this Prepare Phase as the staffing profile changes. We each look forward to trialling ‘rolling agendas’ within our team meetings to enhance collaboration among teachers.
- We identified that whilst we are good at tracking longitudinal student performance data, we need to reconfigure our concepts of Data Overviews (Step 3) within the context of each inquiry cycle.
- Like EPS, each school we visited, highlighted the challenge of building a culture of Examining Instruction (Step 5), in relation to the effects on student learning. This was especially complex for school Principals, who are required to complete teacher observations as part of their evaluation of teachers performance.
- We acknowledge that there are several opportunities for improvement for EPS about writing comprehensive and detailed Action Plans, with clear goals and assessment measures (Steps 6, 7 and 8).
- We were thrilled to hear how each school leader of the schools we visited, was able to articulate the considerable benefits they have experienced using the Data Wise Improvement Process, as shown in the improvements they have made in student achievement.
Finally, we thank each and every one of you for sharing this journey with us. We look forward to engaging with you in the next phase of the Data Wise strategy at EPS.
We wish you all a very happy and safe holiday.
All the best
Erin Downing, Jessica Jordan, Sarah Fletcher and Penny Jayne
(The EPS Data Wise team)
I feel you have made some useful reflections here about mentoring and inducting new staff over the first 1-3 years in this collaborative work and the tension in the Principal’s role about observing to evaluate or inquire into practice. Perhaps the evaluate only comes into play when its clear from multiple sources there is some under performance issue here and then you withdraw from the inquire purpose till performance is at a standard enabling you to do that.