A Harvard Coach!


One of the great privileges Penny and I had at Harvard was the allocation of a dedicated coach (Emma) who assisted us in the preparation of our presentation and helped us determine what the next level of work.

Prior to the presentation Emma organised 3 conference call meetings where we used a survey tool to unpack and analyse our current work. We realised our strengths within the data wise inquiry process and prepared the a Power Point using artefacts to share. We received lots of acknowledgements about the work from our American colleagues.

While Emma’s support was both helpful and appreciated at that point her work in the second phase of the program was ….well…nothing sort of special. Emma used a few protocols that really stretched our thinking about the next phase of the work and her use of “wait time” along with some rephrasing and probing questions guided us to the “Ahaa” moment.

Penny being an experienced teaching and learning coach and my work around building a coaching culture enabled us to reflect in a meta cognitive way and really appreciate Emma’s support and skills as a coach.

Her work I think reinforces the point about the value of having a coach – for me particularly as I am just about to meet a new leadership coach that I aim to work with over the coming year.

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