2011 Instructional Rounds Evaluation

As I set up our Network Instructional Rounds dates for 2012 I was interested to read and reflect upon another group of principal evaluations of their experiences last year.

Overwhelmingly the consistent comment of principals as observers in both groups are that they now are interested in asking students about lesson learning intentions, looking at the purposefulness of tasks students are engaged in, trying to understand what differentiated instruction look and feels like, learning as professionals to be more non judgemental and encouraging discussion amongst teachers after feedback.

I sense that amongst the groups there is a shift in thinking about leadership by principals perhaps leaning towards a more instructional approach with leaders spending more time in classrooms and discussing instruction with teachers.

In 2012 in our network we have purchased a book by Carol Tomlinson on differentiated instruction to lead our discussions as we continue to observe instruction and learning in classrooms this year.

Thanks Nina and Jennie for the link to their groups evaluation.

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