Category Archives: Mathematics

Why Why is the question we all need to answer!

In my work with school educators this is the question I ask them to resolve for themselves. What drives you to lead / teach young people and why? What happened to you and why is that important. I was reminded … Continue reading

Posted in coaching, Data Wise Program, Deakin Teachers in training, Harvard, Mathematics, teacher efficacy, Teaching | Leave a comment

Do all lesson structures support students retaining information?

Recently I was listening to a teacher at my school, Aylie Berger, present some work on learning in Mathematics. A number of items were really interesting but for me the research around the “primary recency effect and cognitive closure” really … Continue reading

Posted in Mathematics, Teaching, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Maths Problems: how to engage youth in learning to ask and solve maths problems using a little bit of technology.

Another fabulous TED talk this time on Mathematics, one of our school improvement targets. Meyer’s a secondary school maths teacher shows how we can connect students to maths problems using technology in real life situations. To learn to ask the … Continue reading

Posted in Mathematics, Teaching, Uncategorized, Video Clips | Leave a comment

What are the big ideas in maths that students need to know – in the Early Years?

At the start of the school year most of the local primary schools got together to hear Di Siemon from RMIT speak about the big ideas in mathematics education. Di really challenged some of our teacher ideas and spoke about the big ideas … Continue reading

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