Data Wise: Summer Institute Day 4

Today all the 8 pieces of the Data Wise Improvement Process came together. We  collaborated with teachers from other Elementary schools on a case study about a school in Texas. We used real data, student work samples and videos of classrooms from the school to make our way through all the steps of the Data Wise Inquiry Process.

photo[47]It was such a privilege to hear from Liz City one of the co-authors of the Data Wise book. Her presentation was engaging, including a game of paper, rock, scissors with all participants to find one sole winner. We interacted with the presentation with an electronic voting system. This provided instant responses to our opinions, it also gave immediate feedback to Liz so that she could adjust her instruction.
Tonight is our night to relax and get to know our fellow Data Wise participants and the Teaching Fellows who have supported us. We are looking forward to continuing to enhance the relationships we have formed with teachers across America.
Did you know: The statue of John Harvard isn’t actually John Harvard. There are many theories about who it actually is.


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2 Responses to Data Wise: Summer Institute Day 4

  1. mwalker says:

    Beside the summer look while we have our fires on it seems the ideas are burning as well. The whole idea of using technology to adjust instruction seems far fetched but it work in real time there I wonder what are the technical solutions to this in classrooms.

Interested in your thoughts